
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rules and Information - 1 Viewing

Here you will find all rules regarding this forum and how to RP here. You will also find enclosed useful threads, ones such as taken canon lists etc.

4 4 Character List
by Gearr
Jun 18, 2009 14:09:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Introductions

New to the forum? Great! Here you can introduce yourself to some of the already present members, just post a thread saying hi and you're away. Simple or what?

5 14 'Sup?
by winryrockbell
Aug 11, 2009 9:45:36 GMT -5
No New Posts Absences

Going to be away for a few days? Or are you leaving us for good? Either way please say so here, there is nothing worse than someone vital to the forum just randomly falling off the face of the earth whilst we don't know. It can lead to many issues for us and yourself later.

4 6 Taking a break.
by simulizi
Jul 1, 2009 14:26:20 GMT -5
No New Posts Suggestions - 1 Viewing

Have any suggestions about how we can improve the site? If so then please do post a thread here and it will be looked into. Please note that this bored is not an excuse to say how much you hate something upon the forum.

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No New Posts Random - 1 Viewing

This is the place for all that random information you just want to share with your fellow members, threads don't need to have any meaning and can just be for fun. However please refrain from spamming to up your post count.

3 9 Transmutation Circles-Howtodo
by alchemistrockz
Oct 21, 2014 21:44:45 GMT -5
No New Posts Advertisement

All advertisements for other forums may be posted here, please do not post them anywhere else.

This board is guest friendly.

by ADMIN25
Feb 8, 2011 5:16:31 GMT -5


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No New Posts Original Art Work - 1 Viewing

For all you budding artists out there this is the place to share your work, if you want crits then please make sure to say so. Also, please ensure you do not claim the work of another, art theft will not be tolerated.

5 10 The Omega Project. Chp 1 Pg 1 [large image]
by simulizi
Jul 7, 2009 12:01:51 GMT -5
No New Posts Written Work

Art isn't only limited to pictorial forms, it can also take the form of texts. If you've written a a poem, fanfic, anything text based, then do feel free to post it here. As a note, it doesn't have to be about Fullmetal Alchemist.

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No New Posts Colourations - 1 Viewing

Have a manga panel you've colored that you'd like to show off? Then feel free to do so on this board. When doing so though please state which manga the panel is in, just to avoid confusion.

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No New Posts Mini-plots - 1 Viewing

Here people will post mini-plots for others to join, if you wish to join one of these plots then do feel free to post on the thread saying so.

2 16 Ideas?
by carrisa
Aug 19, 2009 18:36:09 GMT -5
No New Posts RP requests

If you want to RP but don't just want to start a RP then post a thread here to ask for other people to join you.

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No New Posts Briggs Mountain Range - 1 Viewing

The Briggs mountain range is an in inhospitable place, for the most part it seems to have a constant blizzard like state. If you plan on visiting these barren mountains then you'd best be prepared for the incredibly cold weather, and the bears. It is said the the bears of Briggs are amongst the most fearsome, often reaching sizes far larger than that of normal bears. It is very likely that this has come about due to the harsh nature of this area. Survival of the fittest is the law here.

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No New Posts Briggs Headquarters - 1 Viewing

The Briggs headquarters has the highest defense there is, making it all but impenetrable. The reason for such a defense is simple; Drachma. This neighboring country seems to be in a permanent state of war with Amestris, thus it has been necessary for such a rigorous defense system to be exacted. As if to compliment this strength the ones who work within this headquarters are the strongest of the strong, simply for the reason that the weak are not wanted, nor able to survive.

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No New Posts Briggs Town

Briggs town is a small abandoned settlement nestled within the mountains, once a mining settlement it has now been left abandoned due to the resources drying up. Any in this town would be wise to pay close attention to where they are placing their feet, for more than once has an old mineshaft fallen through, leaving an incredibly deadly trap for any unsuspecting soul unwise enough to be careless.

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No New Posts Lior

Lior was once a peaceful town, one that was prospering under a false religion. Now however parts of the town lay in wreck after a violent conflict lay wast to parts, luckily though the fighting was stopped before the entire place could be destroyed. Now, through all the ruin, people are coming together to try and repair what they themselves destroyed. Overall Lior is still an incredibly friendly place.

Sub-boards: The Temple of Leto, Market Place

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No New Posts East station

A somewhat more quiet station, East station is hardly as busy as the much larger central station. Indeed this station is really nothing more than a simple stop off, it does though have one or two small stalls for those who wish to purchase something to eat or drink.

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No New Posts Eastern headquarters - 1 Viewing

The Eastern headquarters is far smaller than that at central, indeed it has far less to do than its larger counterpart. In saying this though this headquarters is important within its own right, it allows for the control of areas distant to the capital, and also means that if there is an incident in the east it will take far less time to have a fully prepared team there than if they'd had to rely solely on soldiers from Central.

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No New Posts Xenotime - 1 Viewing

A mining town by nature everything here is worn and well used, this probably wasn't helped by the tyranny that this town suffered at one time. Now that the town is able to work for itself though things are now starting to improve as buildings are being restored, and on a whole the residents here seem to be far more welcoming than they previously were. One thing that has not changed though is the price at the inn.

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No New Posts North Bank - 1 Viewing

The uptown area is very simply the 'top end of town', it is here that you will find the grandest of houses, the ones in which you can expect generals and their families to inhabit. It is also here though that you will find high end shops, ones that specialize in things that some may deem impossibly trivial. Oddly enough, despite holding little practicality, it is these shops that are upon the most expensive. Anyone wishing to visit this area best have securely high financial funds, else you could soon find yourself with nothing.

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No New Posts Central Headquarters - 3 Viewing

The core of the military, this vast building is one of the largest within Amestris and is truly an impressive sight to see. Indeed this grandeur has perhaps been exacted due to the fact this building is also the most important, it is here that the Fuhrer King Bradly will normally be found, and as such the building has been built to impressive standards as both a show of power, but also for practicality. Due to all the officers that need offices and storage this building obviously needs to be large.

Sub-boards: Führer's Office, Mustang's Office, Dormitories , Mess Hall

1 7 Dreaded Encounter[Open]
by daedric
Jul 6, 2009 9:43:09 GMT -5
No New Posts Central Station

Central station is one of the busiest stops within Amestris, not a day goes by without hundreds of people passing through here. Due to being the central stop within Amestris people often stop here to swap trains, this means that there is always a high number of people in this place. This is probably also helped by the fact that the train is the main long distance within Amestris, this station is very much like the heart of Amestris.

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No New Posts Central Library

This library most surely the largest within Amestris, indeed spanning over several wings. It is here that most military documents are stored for when they are needed, yet it is also here that you will find the greatest selection on alchemical resource books anywhere. This library very often acts as a honey magnet for young and budding alchemists who wish to learn more, the only down side is that you have to be a member of the state military. However, some areas of the building have been mysteriously destroyed in a freak fire, it is only now that any improvements are being seen in its restoration.

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No New Posts East Bank - 1 Viewing

This lower end of town is where you're going to find the middle-class and poor, those with just enough to survive, and those with nothing. The shops and streets here fit the term 'cheap and cheerful' rather pleasantly, despite being smaller in size they have far more character to them. Indeed this may have something to do with the near ancient stonework that has been exacted on the small buildings and cobbled floor. Despite this however it is also this end of the city where you will find the more... notorious forms of income.

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No New Posts Sewers - 1 Viewing

These putrid sewers are homed to the vermin of the world, the creatures to terrible, or to pestulant, to live above in the sun. It is though this underground complex that harbors a dark secret, on that very few people escape to tell about. Indeed those who venture into certain parts of this maze are never seen again, at least not whole. On more than one occasion bit and pieces have been retrieved, though nothing much, and indeed what was brought back looked as if it had been savaged by some beast. Any fools who dare risk themselves in these areas best be on guard.

Sub-board: Central Chamber

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No New Posts Western headquarters - 1 Viewing

The Western headquarters is far smaller than that at central, indeed it has far less to do than its larger counterpart. In saying this though this headquarters is important within its own right, it allows for the control of areas distant to the capital, and also means that if there is an incident in the west it will take far less time to have a fully prepared team there than if they'd had to rely solely on soldiers from Central.

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No New Posts West station

A somewhat more quiet station, West station is hardly as busy as the much larger central station. Indeed this station is really nothing more than a simple stop off, it does though have one or two small stalls for those who wish to purchase something to eat or drink.

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No New Posts Rush Valley

Rush Valley is the place to be for all automail enthusiasts, it is here that the best of the best gather, in terms of both mechanics, and those who bear the prosthetics. Due to the competitive nature of this almost desert like area anyone who does have a prosthetic limb best be on their guard, it is not so uncommon for the somewhat... enthusiastic mechanics to become somewhat overbearing on those they see as potential customers.

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No New Posts Dublithe

Dublithe is a very calm town, one that seems to get the best of weather, yet not to the point of becoming to hot. Dublithe is very often seen as the perfect holiday destination, indeed as such this town seems to have a reliance on tourism, and as such has a rather quaint set of shops for both locals and tourists. One of the largest attractions though is in fact the large lake to the north of the down, this crystal clear lake is the kind of place where you can just sit and watch the world go by. Some though chose to train here, the small island within the lake gives the perfect seclusion.

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No New Posts Countryside

This land lays between both Resemboole and Dublithe, meaning it is often used as the fastest path between the two. Indeed as such this lush landscape has a rather large roadway cutting through it. Despite this though this incredibly rural area retains it's picturesque appearance.

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No New Posts South Station

The southern station is one of the smaller ones within Amestris, yet in saying this it can often times get just as busy as the larger ones. This station is most surely the one you wish to arrive at if you desire to visit the rather quaint Resembool, or if you plan on sneaking out of the country to Xing. No matter what you reason though, this small station does have a certain attractiveness to it. Perhaps this is simply due to the reason it is in a far more rural are than any of the other stations within the country.

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No New Posts Resembool - 1 Viewing

A small rural town in the south of Amestris, Resembool is surrounded by an idyllic landscape filled with fields and hills. Despite the beauty though Resembool was within on of the areas worst effected by the eastern rebellion, during the time many of the village's inhabitants were lost. Yet in a strange twist of fate the past war ended up bringing new business to the area. Whilst the war may have caused great loss to the area, it is also one of the reasons that it is still able to survive as it has always done.

Sub-boards: Rockbells' Home, Graveyard

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Eastern desert

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No New Posts Ishval

Once a proud and noble area, Ishval has now been reduced to wreck a ruin. After the war Ishval was left scarred and abandoned, after all, land stained with blood and scorched by fire is of little use. This does though make it the perfect place for those who wish to seclude themselves. Set within the searing heat of the desert Ishval attracts very few people, combined with the pain filled memories this place holds there are very few people, say for the remaining Ishvarites, who wish to restore this broken place to its former glory.

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No New Posts Ruins of Xerxes

Many years ago the great city was vast and lush, then one night it mysteriously vanished. Overtime the once great buildings that cast charming silhouettes on the landscapes crumbled into nothing more than ruins, ruins that rogues and outcasts take advantage of. There is something about this is place that is a mystery to many who see it, within the heart of the derelict city is part of a transmutation circle carved upon a great yet broken rock. No one knows what it is for.

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No New Posts Canon Characters - 1 Viewing

Any characters from the manga are to be posted her, the application is not required to be complete when posted, but it will not be accepted until it is fully finished.

Sub-board: Accepted Characters

11 13 Izumi Curtis
by izumi
Sept 6, 2010 23:43:50 GMT -5
No New Posts Original Characters - 1 Viewing

Any original characters are to be posted her, the application is not required to be complete when posted, but it will not be accepted until it is fully finished.

Sub-board: Accepted Characters

3 3 Natalie Fairchild
by natalie
Jan 29, 2010 9:19:22 GMT -5
No New Posts Character bins - 1 Viewing

If you have more than one character and want to keep track of who you play etc, then post a thread here with any details you wish to include.

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